On Thursday, May 2, 2024, my agent brought over 30 paintings to display in a beautiful Garden in the town I grew up in – Greenville, South Carolina.
I am so grateful for all that came out, and wish I could have been there. A very special thanks to the hosts: homeowners Elizabeth & Jacob Mann, Misty Hardaway, and Tracy Hardaway.
Below is a video my granddaughter, Foster, made that was playing during the event.
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From Alice's agent:
What a wonderful turn out! I had so much fun putting this event together with Elizabeth, Misty, and Tracy. The Mann’s gardens and home were a beautiful backdrop to show Alice’s amazing paintings.
It was great to introduce Alice’s work to so many new art lovers, many of her old friends, as well as collectors who already have Alice’s work in their homes.
If you’re a fan of Alice’s work and would like to host a home show, Contact Us!